Privacy Policy

Welcome to DigiousVR’s Privacy Policy. We take your privacy seriously and are committed to safeguarding your personal information. This Privacy Policy outlines how we collect, use, disclose, and protect the information you provide while using DigiousVR’s website and services.

By accessing or using DigiousVR, you agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree with the terms outlined in this policy, please do not use our services.

Information We Collect:

  1. Personal Information:

    • When you register for a DigiousVR account, we may collect personal information such as your name, email address, and other relevant details to provide you with a personalized and secure experience.
  2. Usage Information:

    • We gather information about how you interact with our platform, including your device information, IP address, and usage patterns. This data helps us improve our services and enhance your user experience.
  3. Payment Information:

    • If you make purchases through DigiousVR, we collect payment information necessary to process transactions securely. We do not store your payment details on our servers.
  4. Communication Data:

    • We may collect information related to your communication with DigiousVR, such as customer support inquiries or feedback, to assist you effectively.

How We Use Your Information:

  1. Provide and Improve Services:

    • We use your information to deliver and enhance our VR experiences, personalize content, and continually improve the quality of our platform.
  2. Communication:

    • We may use your contact information to send important updates, notifications, and relevant promotional materials. You can opt-out of promotional communications at any time.
  3. Security:

    • Your data is crucial to us. We employ robust security measures to protect your information from unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, and destruction.
  4. Legal Compliance:

    • We may process your information to comply with legal obligations, resolve disputes, and enforce our terms and policies.

Sharing Your Information:

  1. Third-Party Services:

    • We may share your information with trusted third-party service providers to assist us in delivering and improving our services. These providers are obligated to handle your information securely and in accordance with this Privacy Policy.
  2. Legal Compliance:

    • We may disclose your information if required by law or in response to a valid legal request.

Your Choices:

  • Account Information: You can review and update your account information at any time by logging into your DigiousVR account.

  • Communication Preferences: You can choose to opt-out of promotional communications by following the instructions provided in the emails or contacting us directly.

Children’s Privacy:

DigiousVR is not intended for children under the age of 13. We do not knowingly collect or solicit personal information from children. If you believe that we have inadvertently collected information from a child, please contact us immediately.

Changes to This Privacy Policy:

We may update this Privacy Policy to reflect changes in our practices and services. We encourage you to review this policy periodically for any updates. Your continued use of DigiousVR after any modifications to the Privacy Policy will constitute your acceptance of those changes.

Contact Us:

If you have any questions or concerns about our Privacy Policy, please contact us at

Thank you for choosing DigiousVR – Where Your Privacy Matters!

Immersive Realities: Unveiling the Future of VR Innovation – Your Gateway to Cutting-Edge Virtual Experiences and Technological Advancements.